Show your support to stop the rezoning of Royal Oak!!! And look really cool in the process.


There are two big advantages to buying a NO REZONE T-Shirt:

  • First, at some point, we are going to need to show our opposition to the Toulon Apartment fiasco when the city council votes on this by attending a city council meeting en masse. Wearing a t-shirt expressing this opposition makes a very strong statement.
  • Second, all proceeds from the sale of the shirts will go into an account that we use to support our cause. Tina, who set up the ordering system is donating all the funds to our cause.

We have a special deal for you if you order before Monday August 7, 2023!


You can order directly from the site if you wish but I have a deal for you. I will also be putting in a bulk order this week for anyone who would like to save the shipping costs. If you want to order through me, I need your order with your size info and the money by Monday, Aug 7th at 5pm. 

You can reach me by text or phone at 813-956-3369. My email is I can also take pay pal payments or you are welcome to drop the money (cash or check) off at my home.


Royal Oak Neighbors